It’s not looking good. You going to overpay.
This time last year, we had ample reason to forecast that winter would bring higher bills, and it appears this winter will be no.
I have delivered my bad news for the day, but it is helpful to understand the overall reasons this situation. At least it makes one feel less like a victim when considering...
Prices – This winter, tight global oil markets and elevated crude oil prices could result in higher heating oil, natural gas, and propane prices.
Demand – Total U.S. natural gas demand is expected to increase this winter compared to last. This is partly due to colder weather in regions with large concentrations of gas-heated homes.
Supply – The severity of the winter nationwide will be the most significant factor impacting the supply of energy. However, even more uncertain than the weather and its effect on supply is the stability of countries that export energy to the United States
So what can you do about it?
The efficiency of your own home heating system, of course, is the factor that will help you best control increased heating fuel costs.
- A Home Energy Survey is a great tool to help you pinpoint problems and provide energy use solutions.
- Don’t forget to schedule your tune-up before an “elderly system” conks out on you. That’s the best way to make sure your system is running strong when the coldest days and nights hit.
- If your heating system is an older, inefficient model, a new system can pay for itself with energy savings and no repair bills.
To find out more about saving money on your heating bills, call us or fill out the online form to schedule a free, no obligation Energy Survey.
There are things you can do to keep your energy dollars where they belong. And if you’d like us to review your equipment or ductwork in an Energy Survey, as a client of ours, it’s free. Now that’s savings! Really, just call us at (610) 376-6001 or schedule online and it’s done.